Imam Sadiq (a) said: “The poor believing servant (of Allah) says, ‘O Lord bestow upon me such and such so that I can do so and so good deeds. If Allah (azwj) finds that his intention is true, He will write down for him a reward (just for his intention) equal to the degree of good deeds had his intention materialized; Allah is vastly generous.’”
With the grace of Allah (swt), we have concluded our elections for the Al Haadi Student Council (AHSC) for the year 2024-2025. The AHSC is a group of elected and volunteer students working together under adult supervision within the framework of the school’s vision. Their purpose is to be the link of communication between students and the school leadership, and to assist with various school affairs and activities.
Students on the council are held to a very high degree of morals and are seen as official representatives of the school on and off campus. For the year 2024-2025, our four elected students are as follows
1) President: Saqlain Raza
2) Secretary: Zehra Ali
3) Treasurer: Fizza Ali
4) Event Coordinator: Konain Zehra
We also want to applaud the other candidates for showing great character during their election campaign and look forward to their contributions to the AHSC’s initiatives in other ways.