“Purify my house for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer].” (2:125)
Hajj is a unique opportunity to benefit from Allah’s infinite divine blessings. To understand the blessings of this pilgrimage, we planned a Hajj simulation with our kindergartners. We replicated the steps of Hajj, aiming to simplify the process and include some of the important rituals such as wearing Ihram, performing Tawaf, Sa’ee, staying in Mina, and attending Arafat. We also made sure that students understood the importance and reasons behind each step of Hajj.
To make it a comprehensive learning experience, we assigned older students as guides to assist their younger peers. This provided an opportunity for the older students to deepen their understanding of Hajj as well. We also incorporated engaging activities at each station to keep the students involved and interested.
Through this simulation, our students learned that Hajj is not only a simple act of worship but also a unique opportunity to experience brotherhood, compassion, and equality.
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